Properties currently or historically advertised 'For Sale' or 'To Let' - B2C data updated daily.
over 40 items of information plus free text at each address - updated weekly. Main Heating - Source and cost Insulation - wall, flooring, ceiling Window Type - double glazing etc. Tracking environmental output - Current CO2
Over 17 million electrol roll addresses with names of residents and contact details.
updated daily, with over 50 years history: type, dates, approvals, links etc.
updated daily, with over 50 years history: type, dates, approvals, links etc.
High quality marketing data for your business. With over 3.5m businesses across multiple channels, we have the perfect B2B data list for your next marketing campaign.
On average 2,500 new businesses are registered every day at Companies House. Utlize our alerts service to receive filtered daily updates on new registrations in your area or business sector. Target new businesses or keep an eye on your competitors.
Over 1,400,000 UK business listings data from google search results. FullAddress, Category, Business Phone Number, Website and email data available.
Our Mortgage Anniversary Service helps you connect with homeowners precisely when they need you most - as they approach the end of their initial mortgage rate period.
We offer a bespoke service to gather and supply data that you need or want. Ask us for a quote.
Transform Your Property and Business Service Marketing with Data-Driven Precision.
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